I had meant to write this post last Thursday but here it is Monday and I'm just now getting around to it. Its not that I put it off but I forget! I want to write more in here this year. I think its important so that I can remember all of the little things…. I cant kid myself and think I can remember everything anymore. I also have been trying to get the kids outside more, especially Caleb. Up till now I have been so paranoid because of his food allergies that I tend to keep him cooped up in the house where I know its safe. I realize that its not fair to him. I'm trying to change. Our 6 year wedding anniversary was on Saturday. We had a fairly good day.We dropped the kids off at the in-laws and went up to Direct Buy to pick up something we ordered. We planned out the couch we are going to get with our tax return and then headed out to dinner. I wanted to try to get a picture of us together but Josh is so darn stubborn! Anyway, here are some other pictures :)
(Jordan calls that gun his “prettiest gun” lol.)