so our checking account information was stolen. this is such a pita but at least we caught it early! wanted to post some pics from the last week or so. i got my new camera so ive been taking tons! we've had some friends come by a few times and jordan has loved playing with their little boy H. he is 2 and cute as a button!
so i guess i spoke too soon. 3 days of working with him and hes right where hes supposed to be. hes not ahead of other kids his age of course but at least he's not behind. he still doesnt sit alot and the pillow still stays behind him but at this rate im sure it wont be for much longer. he is a totally different kid, its like the world has all of a sudden opened up to him. he is so proud of himself and excited about all the new things he can do :)
jordan just CRACKED ME UP. we were watching blues clues and i was successfully getting him to sit up and the mail song came on. he got so darn excited he fell over!!! his whole body started shaking and he just lost it lol. i tried to see if it would happen again and i kinda got it.
in other news i called the ped today about jordan not doing the things he should be and they are putting a referral in for an ECI (early childhood intervention) to check for developmental disabilities. needless to say i will definitely have to start working harder with him and just making him sit up until his muscles get used to it.