Tuesday, February 16, 2010

childrens museum

today is my moms birthday so we decided to celebrate yesterday. she had a great time with jordan while we were getting ready to go to the childrens museum.


crazy hats


cake :)

the place was packed and jordan was a little overwhelmed so it was a lot of work for us but we had a GREAT time anyway.


“driving” an original ford mustang


he threw a fit when we had to get out to let others have a turn. headed off to the matter factory…he wasnt too interested


after this we headed out to the flow works….he had some fun playing in the water!





next up was the eco station where we saw baby chicks and eggs that havent hatched yet


thought the chicks were cool


the eggs…not so much

next we walked through kidtropolis….


driving the police car




inside the ambulance

after another large tantrum it was off to lunch. mom had chicken strips, jordan had a hotdog and i had a mini pizza. it was pretty darn good!! :)




he was pretty tired at this point so we planned to take him to the tot spot and then go home


he zeroed in on this truck

DSC00948there was no getting him out of this nicely

after the largest tantrum of the day, including me getting beaten up, we decided to just go home. he refused to do anything at this point to i had to carry him til we got outside…he calmed down some then. all in all we were only there around 2 hours and i feel like we didnt get to see much but it was a good hour to get there and ended up being around an hour and a half to get home. it was a VERY long day. i cant wait to go again…this time with a stroller!!

also turned 25 weeks pregnant on sunday…heres the pic


Friday, February 5, 2010

jordans terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (week? month? year?)

the terrible twos have come to our house. regardless of all the chaos and noise around here i think he is cuter than ever. starting to have to move things around since he has started climbing.  we are also having to change our parenting style but thats ok, we expected to. i must say that two is VERY adorable. he cracks us up every day. this last week he has been sick so we havent been having very much fun but i notice an improvement in behavior and mood now that he is feeling better.  im anxious to see how things will be between jordan and his brother. caleb is getting big and showing his strength. its amazing to me to be able to feel elbows and knees. the way my stomach just moves with him….im sad that i will never get to experience this again; i have plenty of good memories tho. i find that i really like my body this time around. feeling healthier is a big part of that. josh and i are good…happier than ever. we finally found our niche :)





23 weeks